basic metals

Iran Industrial Consulting Engineers Company has presented various projects in the form of technical-economic studies, engineering and design (basic and detailed), implementation supervision and project management. Among the most important fields of activity of the company in the field of basic metals are the following industrial fields:

-Smelting, forging and rolling

This field is considered one of the most important industrial fields, and as a mother field, it feeds many of its downstream industries. In this field, the consultant provides his services in three subjects in a fully specialized manner and has had many experiences in the field of designing steel smelting factories, casting and forging parts, pipe factories and companies producing steel ingots and balls.

The field of foundry industry activity includes all kinds of casting methods (sand, centrifugal, under pressure, precise, semi-continuous, etc.) supporting all the services required for production, such as the selection of raw materials, heat treatment, cleaning and finishing operations. Modeling and molding.

The field of activity of forging industries includes all kinds of forging methods (open mold and closed mold), cold forging, mold making, tool making, production of parts in continuous lines, heat treatment and the use of heating furnaces.

The field of activity of rolling industries includes all types of hot and cold rolling units for the production of flat products, sections and round sections of both ferrous and non-ferrous metals, as well as extrusion and stretching units for the production of different profiles of non-ferrous metals.

The most important projects implemented in this area are:

The project of rebuilding the foundry of the steel rolling and production company

Arak machine building foundry and forging reconstruction project

The project of scrap warehouse and foundry sand warehouse and tractor construction in Tabriz

Malibel Iran Development Project

Phase one project of large industrial molds (SAIPA)

Isfahan alloy steel factory construction project

Tabriz machine building foundry restoration project

Foundry reconstruction project of semi-light profile company (Sodid)

The construction plan of Sfrain alloy steel melting unit with a capacity of 120,000 tons per year

Preparing a plan to collect dust and pollutants from cast iron foundry of Iran Khodro Company

Preparation of tender documents and tendering of the supplementary project of Foulad Esfrain

·And …

The most important foreign partners of the company in this field of business have been from Canada, England, Poland, Austria, etc.

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